Ever felt like buying a machine gun and going on a rampage? DUGGADUGGADUGGA! Take that ignorant assholes! DUGGADUGGADUGGA! Take that dinner ladies who can't cook! DUGGADUGGADUGGA! Take that foolish teachers..
My time at Hellside college was aweful, and by the time you finish reading this post.. You'll want to take a machine gun to me.. Thats how long this thing is going to be, Just thought I would mentally prepare you! I'm going to tell you the story :)
Lets start where any good story starts, the beginning.. *flashback dream*
I first enrolled at Hellside College 3 years ago, after speaking to an advisor.. She was tall and blonde, and before you ask.. Yes, she did fit the dumb blonde stereotype. She helped me decide what I thought I wanted to do, In all honesty I didnt really know what I wanted to do.. And I chose subjects I thought might be good rather than what I thought I might of enjoyed.. Pressured by this woman who I had this appointment with which I was forced to attend I ended up picking 4 A level subjects, Business, Economics, Accounting and Computing (So fun..). Then I decided that I wanted to study these subjects in a college that was a good few miles away in Cronton. I had to take 2 busses to get there and 2 busses to get back.
Shortly after school I finally enrolled, I had the most attractive art teacher enroll me.. Trying to stop my jaw from dropping at the sight of his perfectly chisled face, stubbly facial hair and amazing smile I answered all his questions and left smiling and actually excited about college.
My first day was good, met some new people. In computing I fell in love for the first time, His name was Dave.. I will speak about him another time.. Probably under the title (My eyes worked yet I was so blind)
My first lesson was Business studies, my teacher had an incredible lisp.. So much that I couldnt understand him.. I mean, it was like he was speaking another language, Poor guy must of had a stroke or something, after 2 lessons I had enough and switched Business for media (does that make me awful? lol), where I then met 2 old school friends, people change so much when they go to college..
I also then met some other good new friends, who later I spent all my spare time between lessons with.. They also helped me grow as a person and become not so shy anymore and let me feel like I could be more open to people. This was really nice for me, times were good. It's a shame this was my only positive experience of that place.. Theres really nothing I can write to entertain you at this part in my life.. it was boring and crap.
Anyway, it was a boring year in general.. Basically what the college failed to tell everyone is that they recently changed ownership and it seems that our year was the test subjects for lots of new changes they were making.
I recently found out that alot of the teachers left because they had their wages reduced so all that was left were the crappiest of the crap. Our Computing teacher for example didnt have any idea how to teach as he was new, Didnt get us through any of our content, instead we took 5 months doing a task that was meant to be completed in one lesson. Once he left because he decided teaching wasnt his thing.. ( I mean.. seriously wtf) We then were subject to many substitute teachers, one of which was chinese and didnt speak a word of English "I jus' showu vidu now" And we watched irrelevant videos about computers on production lines.. This was not helpful. We then had a teacher named Collin. Who forgot to inform us that we had our exams until 2 days before them, So appart from being nervous like all of the other students before exam time, We had NO actual knowledge of what we were meant to be studying.. It didnt just stop at computing either. During accounting I was constantly left behind as our teacher only helped people who knew what they were doing, because they were redoing the course and had a basic knowledge from the previous year.. Economics was also hell, we had a teacher called Ian, He was a lovely man now I come to think about it.. you'll hear more about him when I talk about the hellside college I later attended in Runcorn. Anyway, for economics, people soon realised Ian was a big softy and then didnt seem to want to do the work.. It was a combination of him being unbelievably boring and him seeming to have no actual authority.
Apart from the lessons we chose we also had mandatory form periods, we were grouped with strangers and taught random things each week.. Well, they attempted to teach us. It was awful, our tutor for that period I thought that we could confide in, some time during the year I told her that I was gay.. and it was a big thing for me at the time, she almost told my mum in a meeting with her at one point.. it was completely out of order, I later told my parents anyway.. Over MSN XD The cowards way of coming out, thank god for technology..
Anyway, that chapter of my life, although it felt like it was a drag, soon ended. Results day came, Everyone.. there must of been 500+ people there collecting their results, they all came outside with tears in their eyes, comforted by their angry and obviously not proud parents.. It was a really sad day.. Hellside college stole a year of mine life, and what did I have to show for it.. Nothing.
I spent the summer holidays doing the usual mix of World of warcraft and lazing around.. My spirit slowly deteriorating. I wanted to enroll in a more hands on course next year, make my parents proud of me.. I've never made them proud, i've just been perfectly average and quiet, nothing outstanding at all.. I wanted to do something that would stir me to be enthusiatic, inspire me and allow me to do something I loved.. I wanted to study food technology.. I turn up for enrollment at numerous colleges in my area FULL! FULL! FULL! I was heartbroken, so I then took what was second on my list.. Business Studies, I figured a btec would be easier than serveral A levels.. And that I would enjoy it more because it would be with the same group of people and I wouldnt have to keep switching classes and adjusting to new people in every class. So it was perfect for me, that and my best friend in the entire world took the same course. Things looked good, we were promised trips to Paris and Italy. At enrollment they made it seem so wonderful, I wasnt doing what I wanted to initially do, but I was at least excited about learning..
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